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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: You=, for_children: n"
Invisible Acts of Power Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles by Caroline Myss salutes the power and the presence of spiritual practices such as kindness and compassion.
A Woman's Spiritual Retreat A Woman's Spiritual Retreat: Teachings, Meditations, and Rituals to Celebrate Your Authentic Feminine Wisdom by Joan Borysenko presents stories, celebrations, and practices to support and sustain an e…
The Wakeful Body Meditations that access your body's wisdom.
Earth Energy Meditations Practices you can do at home to connect to the root that links you to the world.
The Story of You A guide to personality types, including their passions and corresponding potential virtues.
Embers Short morning meditations of Indigenous spiritual wisdom.
Be Water, My Friend Lessons from the life and spiritual practices of the martial artist.
The Selected Works of Audre Lorde A sterling collection of essays and poems by the black, queer writer.
Dressed An encyclopedic look at the connections between our clothes and our identity.
Ignite Your Light Practical ways, organized by times of the day, to help you replace an energy crisis with an energy renewal.